Like many guests we had so much to talk about we had to have a part 2.
Tyler Phan received his Ph.D. from University College London (UCL) in 2017. Before his Ph.D., he earned his M.A. in Religions of Asia (now M.A. in Buddhist Studies) from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (SOAS) in 2013. His research focus is in medical anthropology and science and technology studies (STS) with a relationship among religion, ontology, bodies, post-colonialism, and race in Asia and North America. His previous research included a cross-country ethnography of Chinese medicine in the United States, examining the historical marginalization of Asian/Asian Americans through policy and legislation, which resulted in his Ph.D. dissertation called "American Chinese Medicine" and finishing his monograph called When White People Took Our Medicine as well as the comic book series A People’s History of Acupuncture in America.
Tyler's Dissertation: American Chinese Medicine
Big thanks to our sponsor The Apricot Grove!
Ken Crouse is a native of Wilkes County, NC where he has lived formost of his life. He grew up working on a farm...
Isaac Saul is an independent political journalist and the founder of Tangle, a politics newsletter that summarizes the best arguments from the right and...
Lisa Rohleder has been a licensed acupuncturist in Portland, Oregon, since 1994. She founded Working Class Acupuncture ( in 2002 with the goal of...