Scoutleader Wiley is a semi-nomadic theory and ritual artist. She does not like touching slimy things, and her favourite food is potatoes. She was raised by two artists amongst the underground hip-hop and house dance community in Brooklyn, NY. She now plays freak-folk guitar music for her friends and writes systems poetry for the internet. She is the Maestra Magica at Metamodern Magick, a collaborative education platform that seeks to integrate the wisdom traditions of pre-modernity into the post-conventional world.
Big thanks to our sponsor The Apricot Grove!
Amba J. Sepie works in the realm of cultural ecology, soul medicine, and decolonisation. She is also a research fellow at the University of...
Josh has been dedicated to Chinese studies for nearly thirty years. He received a B.A. in Chinese Studies from Bard College with a focus...
Ken Crouse is a native of Wilkes County, NC where he has lived formost of his life. He grew up working on a farm...